It is a collection of the most everyday objects, found in my studio and chosen to have a second chance, this time applying a modified pattern that is new to me. We are talking about the fascinating world of holes by the artist Joan Verdú, which he brilliantly captured on a potato in the work BIG POTATO WITH HOLES, which we can all see hanging in the Joaquín Schmidt restaurant.

Most of the objects are made of aluminum, a light metal that a few years ago was very common in kitchen utensils, easy to work with and drill. Already in the workshop, making holes in these objects becomes an addictive game, a contagious process and as if it were a pandemic, the virus infects with voids that spread throughout the body of a coffee pot, a glass, a a bottle, a spoon… any utensil.

The already transformed objects become the home of an imaginary universe, where there are places where everything is possible… crossing walls, crossing to the other side, finding refuge and talking with the soul of the object, or simply… entering and leaving.

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